I experienced laughing gas for the first time today. I made an unexpected visit to the dentist to have one of my molars crowned (apparently an old filling stopped working and my tooth chipped Tuesday night). Anyway, the dental assistant slipped the apparatus over my nose and the gas started flowing. I didn't notice anything for a few minutes, but then the dentist recommended that I breath through my nose. All it took was a few deep breaths and it was happy time!! I remember a bit of Q&A going through my head:
Q: Why am I laughing for no apparent reason?
A: I don't care!
Q: What do people say about how laughing gas makes you feel?
A: I don't care!
Q: How many brain cells am I killing off right now?
A: I don't care!
Despite the fact that my tooth was drilled on for a solid 30 minutes, I don't think I've had a more enjoyable visit to the dentist. :)