· I arrange the silverware in the dishwasher by type so that when I unload it I don’t have to sort anything out.
· I use coasters religiously. Even on my computer desk.
· I pay attention to the care instructions on clothing.
· I iron my collared shirts.
· I fold all my laundry.
· I plan. Profusely.
· I’m something of an efficiency freak. I think of the world in terms of bottlenecks way more than is healthy. Props if you know what a bottleneck is.
· If you ever wish to die, just do something to my car. Anything. I dare you.
· I know what a crockpot is, I own a fairly nice one, and I use it pretty much every week.
· I own and use regularly three types of shoe polish, three shoe brushes, two pairs of shoe trees, a shine cloth, and a shoe horn.
· I can’t stand it when the serving spoon gets dropped into what it’s serving.
· I’m a single man, yet I cook. You may think that top ramen is in my repertoire, but alas, I have not eaten top ramen in over a decade. Dishes I’ve made include: Moroccan chicken tagine, coconut chicken curry, gnocchi (from scratch) and three cheese chicken noodle. If that’s not a stereotype buster, I don’t know what is.
· I can’t stand the taste of tap water. Interestingly enough, I’ve been the proud owner of several Brita pitcher filters over the years.
· I really appreciate it when drivers make legal turns. You know, the kind where one turns into the near lane, and doesn’t instantly make a beeline for the far most lane possible.
· My name is Matt, and I’m a cleanaholic.
I’m sure I have other quirks that escaped me when compiling this list. Feel free to add to this list on the comments page. :)
Haha you're funny. Here's one I thought of.
You laugh with your hand when your mouth is full. Your little snappy thing.
I noticed that the other night and thought it was great. You were eating and your face was scrunched into a laugh but no sound was coming out but you were doing that snap thing.
Good blog idea! I might steal the idea.
I load the dishwasher according to type as well. And they must be faced heads-up...so you can grab them by the neck and put 'em away. (Did you know that your silverware has heads and necks?) It drives me crazy that my roommates don't do it this way!
So...I don't want to die in the near future, but I'm wondering what HOW you'd kill a person who "touched your car." Make it look like an accident?
I think a big "quirk" would be your reaction to sugar. I don't know anyone else who is that much fun.
I just wanted to say that I know what a bottleneck is, and some of the most stressful times in my life are during my "thinking of the world in terms of bottlenecks" days. I have to control my tendency to want direct traffic.
good thing that some quirks are strengths huh
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